SCARB Holland 40 års jub.

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    Bjarke Aunsbjørn har modtaget understående mail fra den hollandske klub SCARB. De søger danske alfister som deltog i deres arrangement 1979.
    Hvis i deltog eller ved hvem der deltog, formidler jeg gerne kontakt til Holland.

    Dear Bjarke
    It is already a while ago that we have heard from each other. I hope you are fine and that you are progressing with you article on the Junior Zagato.
    This year it is 40 years ago that my father co-founded the SCARB and for the celebration on August 25th/26th at the Zandvoort race track. I am preparing a presentation about the origin and development of our club.
    I know that already in the beginning (in 1979) there were contacts with your club and also with the Swedish and British clubs. From that time I know the name of Mr. John Barry Christofferson (Kristofferson?).
    In 1979 9 Danish Alfisti came to the Dutch Grand Prix and attended a mini Euro-Alfa Romeo meeting in the Alpha Novotel in Amsterdam with also some Swedish and British Alfisti. In the report of that meeting my father amongst others wrote about a with airplane parts & instruments modified Danish GT 1300 and a wonderful 1300 GTA.
    Were you by any chance present during this meeting or do you know who has or could have been?

    I very much would like to get in contact with these Alfisti and maybe you could help me?
    I would appreciate it very much and thank you in advance!
    Best regards,

    Anders Lassen

    Nej, hvor sjovt! – Jeg tror at jeg var en af de ni. Det har sikkert været vores første formand JBC’s GT1300 med airplane parts and instruments. Han arbejdede i lufthavnen, husker jeg. Jeg kørte selv derned i en Giulia 1600 Super årgang 1967. I øvrigt et fedt F1 race, hvor Villeneuve kørte næsten en hel omgang med kun tre hjul på Ferrarien. Og en specialklasse med BMW M1’ere som larmede som bare pokker. Og sjovt nok, så har jeg lige akkurat tilmeldt mig deres arrangement på Zandvoort i år. Jeg kommer i en Giulietta 1,4 TCT.

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