Sv: EV – nu begynder Italienerne endeli at røre på sig

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For første kvartal 2020 – dvs. UDEN april og maj, hvor nedlukningen var mest intens – viser FCA regnskabet et tab på € 1,7 mia. = ca. 12,67 MIA kr.! :dry:

Personligt mener jeg, vi derfor hver for sig bør starte med at bede en stille bøn (eller flere) for, at FCA overhovedet har råd til at lade Alfa Romeo overleve også Covid-19-helvedet som selvstændigt mærke, – uanset hvor meget vi så taler om ”Italiens kulturarv”, og uanset, hvad Mike Manley nu har fået besked på at udtrykke af optimisme… 🙁

Hverken Giulia eller Giulietta’erne ”fløj” jo ligefrem ud af forretningerne i forvejen, og FCA ligger jo desuden midt i fusionen med PSA (Peugeot, Vauxhall, Opel, Citroën, DS + fx Autobutler).

” Fiat Chrysler Automobiles posted a net loss of €1.7 billion (£1.45 billion) in the first quarter of 2020. The group’s brands, which include Alfa Romeo, Fiat and Jeep, sold a total of 818,000 cars worldwide, down 21% on 2019 levels as various restrictions were put in place to tackle the coronavirus. Notably, those figures do not include April, where the firm’s sales were even more dramatically reduced across various European countries.

FCA said it is currently preparing to resume production at several factories based on demand, local restrictions and the introduction of new health and safety measures, with boss Mike Manley saying that “I have the utmost confidence in our ability to navigate through this crisis and emerge wellpositioned to grow and prosper on the other side.” FCA also said that it “remains committed” to its merger with the PSA Group, which is set to be finalised either late this year or in early 2021.”